Who Can Help You Become a Real Estate Agent Without College?


Are you dreaming of a career in real estate but need a college degree? Who Can Help You Become a Real Estate Agent Without College? Contrary to popular belief, becoming a successful real estate agent sometimes requires spending years in lecture halls and accumulating student debt. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities for aspiring agents who want to dive straight into the industry without pursuing higher education. We’ll explore the requirements, benefits, steps to take, and even some inspiring success stories.

Real estate agent requirements

Becoming a real estate agent is an exciting career path that offers flexibility, growth opportunities, and the potential to earn a lucrative income. You must be at least 18 or 19 years old and have completed your high school education or obtained an equivalent qualification like a GED.

The next step is to complete pre-licensing coursework. This typically involves taking specific real estate courses approved by your state’s licensing authority. The required hours vary from state to state, so checking with your local regulatory agency for specific details is important.

Once you’ve completed your coursework, it’s time to pass the real estate license exam. This test assesses your knowledge of real estate principles and practices and ensures you have the skills to serve clients effectively. After passing the exam, you’ll usually need to find a sponsoring broker to guide and mentor you as you begin practicing as a real estate agent.

Working under an experienced broker can provide valuable insights into the industry and help accelerate your professional development.

Benefits of pursuing a career in real estate without a college degree

  • Flexibility and Independence: 

One of the major benefits of pursuing a career in real estate without a college degree is the flexibility and independence it offers. Unlike many traditional careers that require strict schedules and office hours, real estate agents can set their own working hours and create a schedule that suits their lifestyle.

  • Opportunity for Financial Success: 

The advantage of becoming a real estate agent without college is the potential for financial success. While success in any career requires hard work, dedication, and continuous learning, real estate offers ample opportunities for earning substantial commissions on sales transactions. With each successful sale, agents can increase their income significantly.

  • Quick Entry into the Field: 

Unlike professions requiring years of education before entering the job market, becoming a real estate agent can be relatively quick. With proper training and licensing requirements fulfilled, individuals can start working as agents within just a few months. This allows aspiring professionals to enter into an exciting industry swiftly.

  • Ability to Leverage Personal Skills: 

Real estate does not solely rely on academic knowledge; it also values personal skills such as interpersonal communication, negotiation abilities, problem-solving skills, marketing expertise, networking capabilities, and adaptability. Individuals who possess these qualities can excel in the field even without formal education.

  • Diverse Career Opportunities: 

Real estate provides various avenues for professional growth beyond simply buying or selling properties. Agents can specialize in commercial property management or luxury home sales based on their interests or strengths. Real estate opens doors to related careers such as property development or investment analysis.

Steps to take to become a real estate agent without college

  • Research and Understand the Licensing Requirements: 

Each state has specific requirements for becoming a licensed real estate agent. Take the time to thoroughly research the regulations in your area to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria.

  • Enroll in Pre-Licensing Courses: 

Although optional in some states, completing pre-licensing courses will provide valuable knowledge about real estate laws, contracts, ethics, and other essential topics. These courses can be taken online or through local institutions.

  • Prepare for the State Exam: 

Once you’ve completed your pre-licensing coursework, it’s time to prepare for the state exam. This exam evaluates your understanding of real estate principles and practices. Utilize study guides and practice tests to increase your chances of passing on the first attempt.

  • Find a Mentor or Join a Real Estate Agency: 

Networking is crucial in any industry, especially real estate. Seek out experienced agents willing to mentor you or consider joining an established agency that offers training programs for new agents.

  • Build Your Professional Network: 

Attend industry events, join local associations such as chambers of commerce or professional organizations related to real estate, and connect with fellow professionals through platforms like Linked In.

  • Take Continuing Education Courses: 

Even after obtaining your license, staying updated on market trends and continuing education is vital for success in this dynamic field.

Tips for success as a non-traditional real estate agent

  • Embrace Your Unique Background: 

You can bring a fresh perspective to the industry as a non-traditional real estate agent. Use your unique background and experiences to stand out from the crowd and connect with clients on a deeper level.

  • Develop Strong Networking Skills: 

Building a strong network is crucial in any business, especially real estate. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and leverage social media platforms to connect with potential clients and other professionals in the field.

  • Continuously Educate Yourself:

 While you may not have a college degree, you can continue learning about the real estate market and industry trends. Stay updated on market conditions, attend workshops or seminars, and consider obtaining certifications specific to your expertise.

  • Leverage Technology Tools: 

Technology is essential in every business sector – including real estate- in today’s digital age. Utilize online listing platforms, virtual tours, video marketing techniques, and social media advertising to reach a wider audience and showcase your listings effectively.

  • Provide Exceptional Customer Service: 

One way to differentiate yourself as a non-traditional agent is by providing exceptional customer service throughout every step of the buying or selling process. Be responsive to client inquiries promptly, go above and beyond their expectations whenever possible, and consistently communicate updates throughout transactions.

  • Build Trust through Transparency: 

Establishing trust with clients is vital in this industry. Be transparent about your background without oversharing personal information; demonstrate integrity through honesty and professionalism.

  • Harness the Power of Referrals: 

Word-of-mouth referrals are incredibly powerful in real estate – they can help grow your business exponentially! Delight satisfied clients by exceeding their expectations so they become advocates for your services within their circles.

Success stories of real estate agents without college degrees

  • Ryan Serhant – Widely recognized as one of New York City’s top real estate brokers, Ryan Serhant did not attend college. After working as an actor and hand model, he transitioned into the world of real estate and quickly rose to prominence. Today, he is a successful agent, bestselling author, and star of Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing New York.”  


  • Shari Levitin – As a renowned sales strategist and speaker in the real estate field, Shari Levitin has trained countless professionals worldwide. Despite lacking a formal college education, she has built an impressive career by leveraging her natural talent for connecting with people. 


  • Tristan Ahumada – is the co-founder of Lab Coat Agents. He started his real estate journey at 18 without any higher education credentials. Through sheer determination and hard work, he became one of California’s most respected agents and now shares his expertise through coaching and mentorship programs.


  • Santiago Arana – Known for his exceptional sales skills and ability to negotiate million-dollar deals, Santiago Arana entered the realm of luxury real estate without attending college. With over $3 billion in closed sales, he has become one of Los Angeles’ leading agents.

These success stories demonstrate that becoming a successful real estate agent is possible even without traditional higher education qualifications like a college degree.

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